About: Project Cyber Angel is a humanitarian project to safeguard the digital lives of children. Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence, have created new threats to the digital privacy of the kids. With the proliferation of deepfakes and diffusion-based models, the future identity of kids is at risk. Reports suggest unethical use of children images in training AI models. Using children's information in AI models can debar them from participating in certain programs and schemes at present or in the future where they are otherwise eligible. Such discrimination can happen based on color, gender, race, ethnicity, etc.

Disrupting technologies such as Self-Sovereign Identity and blockchain, and approaches such as image poisoning, which helps restrict the use of an image in training AI models, can lower the unethical usage of children's images on the internet such as on social media platforms. SSI can help better share only the relevant information of the child with the concerned parties, ensuring no private and critical information is leaked out. Parents can seamlessly control how and where their child's information has to be used. Cyber Angel explores such technologies, and best practices, to better safeguard the digital interests of children.

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